Friday, January 1, 2010

Heading home this morning Jan 1.

After much of the day away on Sunday, here Frankie is having one of her "Lap Dog" moments!

It is now early morning Jan. 1 and we are ready to start our trek home. We will post more of Mexico pictures when we enter the US and have continuous internet service.

Brody, Madalyn and Elijah had collected over 100 stuffed animals and are seen here distributing them to the kids that where there that night.

Went to church Sunday at Meliton. They had a special end of year service. There were many kids. There was a large meal for everyone. Pinatas for the kids. I was standing away when one was busted open. There was a shop light lighting up the area where the pinata was an about all I could see because of the scramble for the candy was a cloud of dust!

Here is the "famous" balanced Balandra Rock in Balandra Bay. I showed a picture of it from the shore earlier. Many come to get their picture here.........including us!

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