Wednesday, December 23, 2009

We keep reminding is Christmas time!

Got to get one of these pictures when you go into La Paz to the Mercado. I took Linda's brothers Rod and Glen and their wives Marcia and Lila as well as Dustin and Jessica. Notice the guy in the background getting a good laugh.

Getting into the Christmas spirit here in La Paz.

Dustin and Frankie under the Elephant tree.

Dustin exploring just before sunset.

Some of the beauty tonight towards sunset.

Putting the "pickup" to work again today. We unloaded the clothes that were brought down on this trip. The back seat was filled as well.

Doesn't feel too bad!!

The pool here at Campestre Maranatha needed painting. Time to refill the pool. About 10 truck loads of water will just about do it. Dustin thinks he is going swimming in it tomorrow! We will see how long.

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