Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Right up there in the top 5 !

Ya know, I can't think of anything right now that I dislike more THAN DRIVING THROUGH L.A. TRAFFIC!!!! We came down off of the Grapevine into the "Pit" and was immediately met by this solid wall of red brake lights. Of course you really never know why they come to a complete stop on California freeways other than to stop and talk but I doubt it. The goal is to leave enough room between you and the one in front of you because they are going to slam on their brakes at any time. So the minute you leave some room for safety some on in a lane near you see's a hole and just has to fill it! On and on it goes. Mile after mile after mile. Were do these people come from? Do this do this day after day on purpose? This just confirms why I live 0.7 miles from work and can get there with no traffic lights.

Linda told me my shoulders were tensing up so much that they were nearly touching my ears!

Earlier it was nice to travel without being the one driving. Jeff took the wheel for awhile in the San Joaquin Valley.

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