Tuesday, December 15, 2009

We are on our way!

Thanks to Kebbie coming in to work for me at 3am this morning, I was able to get about 4 hours of sleep before we started on our journey. It was raining like crazy when we left Lebanon and now we are in the Red Bluff, Calif. area and it has not stopped raining! Makes the driving twice the work. We stopped in Albany and picked up Jeff, Katie, Brody, Madalyn and Elijah.

Both the dogs wore their antlers for the picture and that was about it!

We will drive to the South end of Sacramento tonight and pull it over for a better night of sleep than last night!


Beth said...

I commented on your blog last night... it doesn't look like it took!

Hope you have a great time.... looks like you definitely will be less crowded in your coach than we were in ours! :) Make lots of good memories!


Ricardo said...

Keep it coming! about 1500 mile to go.
Sunshine and 78 degrees awaits you.